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We're Sursi! 


We're sisters. We text each other all day, love to be the first to share celebrity gossip (bonus points for births and marriages!), and unknowingly got each other "You're My Bra" engraved bracelets to give to one another on the same day! Living thousands of miles apart, whenever one of us needs a pick-me-up, we see something the other one would love, or we just want to send a small "I miss you!", a sursi is always the answer! 

Growing up, sursis were a common occurrence in our house! Our mom would give us these small, unexpected gifts to let us know she cared. And now, sursis are something we love to well as receive!

Whether it's your sister, your best friend, or the work wife who helps get you through the day, we want you to celebrate the women you can't live without! You don't have to wait for a birthday or special occasion, it's always the perfect time for a sursi!

                                              Lisa & Emily

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